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Zwischen Verbalparadigma und WortbildungWortbildung


Elke Hentschel


The following paper attempts a systematisation of the extended infinitive constructions in spoken as well as in written German. There seem to be almost no limits to their extension. And while structures like Abendessen or Gefühlsleben can clearly be categorised as word formation, this is not the case with constructions like das Sich-nichts-anmerken-lassen, beim heimlich Pornos gucken or das „nichts gesehen haben wollen“. This type of construction can be found in abundance in internet communication (blogs, bulletins boards etc.), but also in written forms of communication like advice books, which are supposed to be more formal in style. I will propose the hypothesis that the constructions we are dealing with here fulfill the same function as converb constructions in languages like Turkish and can therefore be considered equivalent.

Wortbildung im Deutschen

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