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Using the Excel Import Wizard to convert text files to CSV files


When extracting data from an existing system, extracting it in Excel or CSV format is desirable. If that’s not an option, you may be able to opt to extract files in text file format. When a text file is then opened in Microsoft Excel, the Excel Import Wizard automatically activates and takes you through an extraction process to show data in Excel.

To view the text files in spreadsheet format, follow these steps:

1 Open Microsoft Excel and go to File → Open to search in your file directory of saved files.The file directory is shown in Figure 3-1. As shown at the bottom right of Figure 3-1, select the Text Files option from the drop-down menu to access the text files. (If the Text Files option isn’t selected, the files don’t display, even if they are in the folder.)

2 Select the required file and click Open.The Text Import Wizard window (Step 1 of 3) appears (shown in Figure 3-2).Did your heart just skip a beat?! Don’t be terrified! The Text Import Wizard looks a lot scarier than it really is.

3 Click Next.The Text Import Wizard window (Step 2 of 3) appears (shown in Figure 3-3).

4 Check the Comma box.

5 Click Next and then Finish.Voila! Your Excel spreadsheet is populated with data that hopefully makes some sense to you!

FIGURE 3-1: Using the file directory to open a text file in Excel.

FIGURE 3-2: Text Import Wizard window (Step 1 of 3).

FIGURE 3-3: Text Import Wizard window (Step 2 of 3).

Once you have the data in Excel, you can manipulate the way it’s presented so you can see everything more clearly. Simply select all the data in the spreadsheet by hovering over the top left corner block and clicking it. With the data range still highlighted, resize the columns by hovering over the column border and double clicking the double-sided arrow (see Figure 3-4). The columns and rows resize to fit the data contained within them. Now you can easily see and edit your data.

FIGURE 3-4: Resize Excel spreadsheet columns.

Once satisfied with your data, save the file by selecting Save As. Clearly identify the file — for example, by renaming it <FILE>Import.csv. Ensure the Save As type is CSV (comma delimited) and save the file into the appropriate folder — for example, you could use a ‘CONVERSION-DataReadyForImporting’ folder. (Refer to the section ‘Setting up file directories’, earlier in this chapter, for more.) Microsoft Excel pops up with an alert box to make sure you really want to save the file as a text file. Click Yes to confirm.

Microsoft Excel is perhaps a little overzealous about making sure you’ve saved your changes before you close the file, and asks if you want to save the file before closing. If you’re positive you’ve saved it in the format required (CSV), and haven’t made any further changes, you can simply click Don’t Save!

Xero For Dummies

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