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Chapter Four Losing Jack 31st August 2008


We had to come back today because Jack is due in court tomorrow. I’m praying he doesn’t get sent to prison. Deep down I think he will get off. I’ve been trying not to think about it because I can’t face the thought of losing him and he doesn’t seem to want to talk about it either. He says he doesn’t want me in court with him and I’ll respect that.

I know he was wrong to bash that man over the head with a golf club. Like I’ve said before, Jack can be a real Jekyll and Hyde character after he’s had a drink. But at the end of the day he is really, truly sorry, and in my mind that’s what counts. He admits he did wrong and, hopefully, has learned his lesson. People seem to forget he’s only twenty-one and at that age men make their mistakes.

We watched a DVD and had a takeaway and I tried to blank it out. We’ll just have to hope for the best.

In many ways I feel so protective towards Jack. He gets loads of flak whatever he does. No one seems to realise just how lovely he can be to me, and especially to my boys. They adore him.

I’ll never forget when I went on the Jonathan Ross show and he made a point of talking to me in the dressing room afterwards, telling me that Jack is a wrong ’un for me.

I was touched he cared that much about me–he is a dad himself after all–but I wanted to tell him Jack’s not all bad. He just gets slated in the press all the time no matter whether he deserves it or not.

I’m having more than my fair share of bad luck at the moment so I hope that to balance things up Jack can have some good luck in court tomorrow. Fingers, toes and everything else is crossed for him.

Forever in My Heart: The Story of My Battle Against Cancer

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