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Chapter Five The Operation

9th September 2008

All the preparations for my op start today. I am getting well nervous. Have to have lots of blood test and scans and stuff so they know what’s what.

It’s a pretty big deal this. I try not to think about it too much. Just concentrating on my DIY! (When I say DIY, obviously I am not doing it myself, but you know what I mean.)

Kate’s mum Lynne came over with her friend Claudia to start the work. I’ve told them I want it to be looking like a palace when I come home from hospital.

I think I’ve got a good eye for colours–although maybe not when I look at old photos of some of the outfits I’ve worn over the years…

Mum was so proud of me. I probably needed the dummy though-the only time she got any peace!

A kiss for Daddy’s Princess. I know he loved me really. Just a shame he wasn’t around to prove it.

Check out those chequered patterns! This was from a promo shot for my modelling.

Ha ha! The good old days of white baggy jeans. If there’s a microphone and music on I can’t stop myself.

Jade Goody is released on the world! I can’t remember what me and Davina were laughing at. Probably something about falling out of that dress. What was I thinking?

Raising money for cancer in 2002.1 had absolutely no idea back then I’d get cancer. It was something that happened to older people.

I absolutely loved doing the research for my perfumes. I was really hands on and proud of the scent I chose.

Ah, the (once) happy family. That’s the Back to Reality show from 2004. The reality was lots of arguments afterwards, sadly. Jeff is such a good dad still.

Bobby’s first birthday. I look a bit of a grumpy mum in this one. I was having a good time-honest!

Freddy’s first bath. I was facing life as a single mum, but I told myself: ‘Just get on with it!’

Me and my beautiful boy Freddy in Greenwich Park. Don’t be fooled by those angelic blond curls!

Kingsland Beach, Mersea, with Freddy. Knowing him he was probably just about to run off somewhere.

Watch out, us girls are about! One of many we would have that night.

A spot of hairbrush singing to get us in the mood for another big night out.

Jumping off a boat in Marbella on holiday, 2006. I’d had my boobs done and couldn’t wait to show them off in a bikini. They helped me float in the sea as well.

Boat trip with Jack and our mates in the Bahamas, 2006. We had some wicked times in the sun.

Me and my boy on the beach, Bahamas, 2006. We’d not been together for long, but I knew Jack was special.

10th September 2008

The boys go to their dad’s today. I explained to them first that I need to go into hospital so that the tadpoles in my tummy can be put to sleep. In my book they are far too young to know what the word ‘cancer’ means and there is no need to tell them.

I am planning to go and see Jack in prison later because I need a cuddle with him before the operation. I can’t wait to touch him and see him again. I know he’s very worried about me and looking forward to seeing me too.

Then just after lunch I got the worst news: Jack is being moved to a different prison so I can’t go today. I had no idea this was going to happen. My whole world just seemed to stop when I found out. I so badly needed to see him. Why isn’t he here?

I sat and watched TV all evening, depressed and upset but trying not to think about it. I keep smiling and putting on a brave face.

I said on camera, for my Living TV show, that people must think I am not taking this seriously as I laugh and joke about it all the time. But no one is taking it more seriously than me. I’m the mum of two small boys, for god’s sake.

Forever in My Heart: The Story of My Battle Against Cancer

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