Читать книгу Forever in My Heart: The Story of My Battle Against Cancer - Jade Goody - Страница 16

3rd September 2008


Mum is back at last and I was really pleased to see her. We sat down and had a cuddle and I told her all the details about my cancer treatments.

‘Jade, I know you’ll be alright,’ she said.

I felt like losing it. ‘How do you know, Mum? Do you understand just how serious this could be?’

Trouble is, I don’t think she does. She thinks I am so strong I can get over whatever is thrown at me.

‘You’ll just have the cells zapped again like you did before,’ she said.

‘Mum, it’s a bit more than that. I might need a hysterectomy,’ I said.

‘A hyster what?’ she replied.

‘My womb taken out!’ I yelled.

Mum looked into my eyes and could see I wasn’t messing.

‘Whatever happens I am here for you, Jade,’ she said.

However much we bicker sometimes, it’s really good she’s around. It’s times like this when a girl needs her mum.

Later I spoke to Jack again. He can only ring at 4.30pm so I try to make sure I am in. He’s in Chelmsford Prison and says he doesn’t want me to visit because it’s so grim.

‘Prison doesn’t bother me,’ I said. I knew all about prisons, having grown up visiting my dad in them.

‘I just don’t want you in this horrible place,’ he said.

I am gutted as I’m desperate to see him. Instead we can only talk on the phone. I suppose it’s better than nothing and we are getting on better than ever, but it’s not the same as being able to kiss and touch him and feel his special hugs.

Having cancer has made us both realise how much we love each other. It would be great if we could get together properly now and stop all the messing about.

Forever in My Heart: The Story of My Battle Against Cancer

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