Читать книгу Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 25

A Sweet Change For The Better


For example, I know many people who used to love sugar in their tea and at the time would never drink it without, but now wouldn’t pay you for a cup with even a grain in it. Why not? What has changed? The tea and the sugar have always remained exactly the same. The difference is they have simply trained themselves to like tea and coffee without sugar. The process is not hard; in fact it usually takes all of a week to get used to any new taste. The week is not painful, just a bit strange at first like any change. The coffee without sugar does not taste wonderful at first but after a while it soon starts to taste better to the person than it did with sugar in. The point that I am making is that the vast majority of people who make this change, would now never drink tea or coffee with sugar in it again. Not because they can’t, or because they are being forced not to, but because they have no desire to any more. This is an extremely important point to understand in order to reach ‘Food Freedom’ mentality. They aren’t on a ‘no sugar in tea diet’. In other words they don’t stare longingly at people adding sugar to their tea and feel envious because they can’t have it. The reason for this is simple. They can have sugar in their tea, but are now choosing not to. Diet mentality is one of, ‘I want, but I can’t have’ (which is enough to drive anyone of strong will, crazy. Yes strong will, I will expand on this later) but when you change your diet you have a, ‘I can, but I don’t actually want to’ mentality. When you have this mentality and have changed your diet as opposed to gone on a diet, there is no need to use any form of willpower, discipline, or self-control. In fact, those who do stop sugar in their tea and have done so for a little while, act as if you have poisoned them if you put some in (which in a way you have). The point is clear and simple: by changing their brand they will never have to use willpower, discipline, or self-control not to have sugar in their tea again. In other words – they are genuinely free to choose.

Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

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