Читать книгу Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 29



A few years ago I would never have believed that I could literally train myself to love fruits, salads, vegetables, and their juices. I even love avocados now, a fruit I absolutely detested before. However, as macrobiotics has been teaching for years, you will adapt and learn to love any food or drink you have on a regular basis (I am unsure if Brussel sprouts are included in that mind you). That is something I would have dismissed in an instant a few years ago, but there is a great deal of truth in it. Years back I tried some Chinese herbal medicine in an attempt to clear my skin of psoriasis. The best way I can describe the medicine is tree bark. I had to boil what looked like bits of tree and forest detritus in water twice every day. To say this stuff stank would be putting it mildly and it tasted as bitter as a winter’s night in Halifax. I hated it to say the least, but I drank it as I was willing to try anything. As I drank this warm muddy-looking water, I would hold my nose and try not to be sick – it really was that bad. Here’s my point: within one month, not only did I get used to the smell and taste – I actually began to like it. This is why changing your diet of food is going to be a breeze, once we remove the brainwashing, conditioning, and trickery of BIG FOOD that is. Nothing you switch to will taste and smell anything like tree bark so the adjustment won’t take anything like a month and you certainly won’t be holding your nose and trying not to be sick during it. In fact, most of the things many of you will already love. But it really doesn’t matter if at this stage a main course salad and some vegetable juice sounds about as appealing as a fortnight’s holiday in Afghanistan. Once all the brainwashing, conditioning, and misinformation regarding your diet of foods and drinks has been removed, and you have the correct mental tools on exactly how to change your diet easily, you will be amazed at what will happen and how easy and enjoyable it can be.

Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

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