Читать книгу Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 41



How do you sell a product that is of very dubious quality, is unhealthy and is contributing to (and in many cases causing) major health problems? Good old advertising of course. We have been programmed and conditioned to consume drug-like foods and drinks. That is why people think it’s normal to eat these foods. But then didn’t people think it was normal and sociable to inhale cigarette smoke a few years ago too?

Let us not underestimate the power of all the advertising and conditioning either: it works. Our brains are very clever computers, but they can also be programmed just like any other computer. Unless we learn to run it effectively ourselves, there are many, many people who are paid tremendous amounts of money to run it for us – and they do. That is why we have such a strong belief that fruit and veg are for boring people who don’t want to ‘live’. After all with Pepsi Max you can go snowboarding, skiing, bungee jumping, and ‘Live life to the max – Pepsi Max’. Then of course we all know that ‘A Mars A Day helps you work, rest, and play’ and that ‘Breakfast at McDonald’s makes your day’. I can’t ever remember hearing ‘Live life to the max with a fresh mouth-watering Mango Max’ or ‘An apple a day helps you work, rest, play and helps prevent cancer’ or ‘Breakfast at a juice bar, stimulates the mind, feeds the cells, helps to lift the waste from your body and really does make your day that little more alive and vibrant’. Incidentally, if breakfast at McDonald’s does make your day – YOU REALLY DO NEED THIS BOOK!

Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

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