Читать книгу The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements - Julia Ross - Страница 24

Part 4. Are you Too Sensitive to Life’s Pain?


3 Do you consider yourself or do others consider you to be very sensitive? Does emotional pain or perhaps physical pain really get to you?

2 Do you tear up or cry easily—for instance, even during TV commercials?

2 Do you tend to avoid dealing with painful issues?

3 Do you find it hard to get over losses or get through grieving?

2 Have you been through a great deal of physical or emotional pain?

3 Do you crave pleasure, comfort, reward, enjoyment, or numbing from treats like chocolate, bread, wine, romance novels, marijuana, tobacco, or lattes?

Total _________ If your score is more than 6 in part 4, turn to chapter 6, page 100.

The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements

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