Читать книгу Heart-to-heart letters: to MrRight from CCCP - Larisa Kharakhinova - Страница 11

Letter 10


Dear Brad, здравствуй!

Again night, table-lamp, letter (to nowhere). Three things that have become the part of my life. And more – it`s raining…

A rain in Academgorodok is a beautiful picture. A small town in a large forest, – and rain…

It calls up dreams, – the mood, given up to reverie.

Do you like thunderstorm?

What do you do for now? – Ah, you are reading this letter? – Indeed. – And I – am writing…

In thoughts for now I`m – somewhere – far away from here, maybe, in Noda-shi.

I try to guess your mood, when you`re reading, to see your eyes when you smile, – to feel you.

What would you do if suddenly you saw me this moment before you, – at midnight?..

Look up! – I`m here. – Don`t afraid of me. – I`m not a ghost, – I am the guest. – your guest – forgive my late visit. – Terrible storm. – Awfully in the forest. – I`m such numb and wet. – Please, let me warm myself about your fire…

I`ll tell you stories about wonderful things, or I`ll be listening to you, or, the better, – let keep silence and contemplate the rain.

Ливень ласки и грусти прошумел в захолустье…

Such pleasant to sit in a lightful, cosy room, be wrapped in a dry, warm plaid and to look through the window, and there – rain, night, summer…

Maybe, let`s go for a walk? Such fine to walk along night streets, jumping over pools, catch drops of the rain by lips, laugh, play the fool, ne?

Indeed, fine. Ah, if it were not for.

Откуда такая нежность

И что с нею делать, отрок?..

What is the difference between `tender bitterness` and `bitter tenderness`?

Dear boy, if you had known who you`re for me…

Such a wonderful story…

Our descendants will be wondering.

Maybe, they will not know such a notion like boundary. I even envy them. They will meet and, who knows, maybe have fallen in love with each other and marry, or simply become friends. And their parents or grandparents, i.e. we, – we shall pour forth wisdom. But maybe, we`ll go for a walk under a starry sky, ne?

Good bye!

With love, Larisa.

P.S. Not farewell! I see we`ll meet soon. I see, because I`m magicion. Believe me, it`s true. I can see future as my ancestor. (Sometimes)

And in general, I begin to take a great interest in `occult sciences`. Such interesting, such wonderful!

At least – it`s my (new) `idee-fixe`. But seriously. Do you believe in magic? – if not – I`ll show you something to convince, f.e. suddenly appear before you.

Do you want – I`ll teach you that.

До встречи! – Untill our meeting in `nowhere`.

I kiss you through the rain. Don`t forget, write me. So long. Larisa.

Heart-to-heart letters: to MrRight from CCCP

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