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Letter 15


Le silence eternel des ces espaces infinis m`effraye. (B.Pascal)

Dear Brad, здравствуй!

It has been far too long since your last letter.

..`Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

…..This it is and notning more…`

What`s happened?

Have you received my letters – epistles – made in mad country; manuscripts – having written under influence of frost-work on the pane, under – stars in wine – if to look through the glass. Letters – begotten by pine for summer`s moon at midnight, by pine for `pineapple-in-champagne`, by pain of soul and headache from newspapers, TV, PC, – you see – it`s not best motive power to write, to paint – such a painter gives only a pain in the neck! – am I right?

If the only reason of your impressive pause is that – vos oreilles sont bien chastes… – I say – by golly: lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba est! ~/bad in word not in deed/

C`est sorti du coeur: j`ai pleure et j`ai cru…

I hope that you are in good health, mood, safety, etc; that nothing terrible (besides my letters) has come on you.

But maybe, my or your letters fell a victim to Russian Post Office. I read in newspaper about one shocking act of vandalism that occurred 6.01.91. in Moscow.

If you can read Russ. with dict. – you can see what was. /Foreign letters (`from`) were opened, dumped and an excavator was `readily reading` /riding at them/ some people saved only part of them. Indeed – lapides clamabunt!

One intelligent man said one day: `La liberte, pour faire le tour du monde, n`a pas besoin de passer par ici`. I agree with him.

Another man – chinese phylosopher Confucy – said long ago: `there is no worse than to live in epoch of changes` (this is a questionable thought) – and one more guy said too: `that is the question`.

So, while my (whole) country try to define – to be or not to be – life from bad to worse – letters from worse to bed – and I`m a living still witness, an optimistic accomplice, an enduring victim of this mass madness, called L`histoire de USSR.

Thus, I`m sitting and writing, smoking and drinking (tea), my foot beats time of a playing music, and my hand writes it.

Voila comme un ecrit l`histoire!

Thus – contra spem spero – I hope to hear you, I wait. I miss your letters. I`m sad and bad without them.

Say, at least, that you`re living.

I worry about you. What`s happened?


Heart-to-heart letters: to MrRight from CCCP

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