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Letter 14


Dear Brad, здравствуй!

I`ve received your letter from 18.07.90.

You write that you wrote a letter to me on 02.07.90. I must say that the one has not reached me. It is a pity. Moreover – there appeared a little anxiety. What about? – Simply – about middle of July my Father came to Ulan-Ude (now I`m in Academgorodok) to take conversation with me. The reason was funny at first.

It was concerned with a `new idee-fixe` of mine that was about places `where the foot of man has never stepped`. // I cherished a hope to go away somewhere into fog, to wilds and live there. (Childish fantasy)// – In result – I `got it in the neck`.

At the same time our conversation had concerned with our correspondence and policy. My Father does not prohibit, but… – in memory of his generation – too much of all, that was known for you, as you wrote `Great Empire`+ those years of `cold war` left its mark upon many things, – including `thinking of security services`… and he fears for me because of that. God forbid the letter to leave `there` – as a keepsake `for the time being`. Anything may happen. As you see I`m still under influence of that `cold shour`. Yet, I`m optimist. Enough of it.

What about picture with your girlfriend – of course I`ll be glad to see the one. It is nice what you wrote of your Lady. I wish for you – heart-warmth, tenderness and mutual understanding. You must be happy. And, if your girlfriend feels jealosy, – however small, oh, please, tell her to take it (me) easy. I am призрак. Maybe after few years you will come here with your Lady. I`ll be glad to see both of you. And I think if we`ll write letters each other – we`ll find a common language.

My best wishes to you and your Lady.

With love – Larisa.

P.S. For now I`m in Academgorodok, in hotel, slightly drunk, without dictionary. Excuse my language and mistakes. Please, write me on the address of my aunty.

I hope the nearest years – policy will be warm. + I hope that your previous letter was not concerned with policy, or something about `empire`. Who knows what will happen tomorrow…

Life is very interesting.

I`m admiring of its surprices – every day. I`m lucky for adventuries.

Good-night. Write.

670000 CCCP, г. Улан-Удэ, ул.Борсоева 21 кв.54, мне.

Heart-to-heart letters: to MrRight from CCCP

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