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Letter 2


Dear Brad, здравствуй!

How long was travelling your letter (and mine was too).

Thank you very much for it. Your picture (as your girl) is very nice. It was a happy chock to me. I like to receive letters unexpectedly (and with such pictures). The good mood is keeping long after. Your soft and delicate irony is charming. I`m shining still.

But my shine is clouded little with the thought about throes of creation that accompanies my writing each letter to you. Look, how I`m doing it.

First: I write it in Russian. Then I translate, then read, sadly laugh, think, smoke, drink some tea, think, tear it to pieces, immediately sorry about it and I begin all over again (the same story, etc). At last I despair, cross all out, take a new paper and give myself a promise to write for the last time and…

Enough about it!

Excuse my barbarian use of Divine English Grammar! I`m savage. But I`ll do all in my power to reform (myself). There is no Royal road…

Thank you for your invitation. I should like to see your birthland (very much), I was never being abroad, but there are many problems to do it.

1) One of them is an invitation. It must be official, signed and sealed, with the date (from… to…), etc. It may gives you many troubles. I don`t know how much nerves can be taken away by this procedure in your country. I don`t want to bother you.

– But let`s assume it to be made.

2) Then – wonderful events will come for me. – I`ll begin to draw up my documents… Oh, Brad, you don`t know what is it –`to draw up one`s documents to go abroad`! Even if I had known English tolerable I would not find my words to describe you that. Though, maybe, the devil is not so bad, as he is painted. (He is much worse!)

Let`s assume it to be made too.

Then, after long-suffering stage № 2 – it`s difficult to take ticket to Canada. Perhaps, you had never stand in a queue, therefore you cannot know what is it. But in our country…

3) Ticket-queue to America is the most long. If somebody wants to go to Canada, one must care about tickets long before.

`1,2,3` – this is concise description of my `unforgettable travel to Canada`. Of course, if to try – anything may happen. I hope all will be best. If you don`t afraid of troubles, try to realize point 1. Other I`ll take upon myself. Good luck to you! Далее –

I want to correspond with you, because I want to know who you are. I know about americans only from TV and newspapers. But I prefer to associate with a living soul. (I mean your soul.)

You`re retaining in my memory as a `fascinating infant with sad, but mischievous eyes`. Indeed you were such boy. Don`t be offended, please. I don`t want to hurt your feeling. It`s my way to speak. Hope, that you understand and forgive. I think that I cannot write about grave and sage things with such `smart` language as mine.

I don`t know what a style of letter must be, particularly to foreigner. My free-and-easy (undully familiar) style of conversation is a survival of student`s life. I write to my friends such letters. I have many girl-and-boy-friends in CCCP, we were studing together and our letters prolong our friendship and preserve the Warmth of our hearts. The human Warmth is the most invaluable treasure in whole Universe. Do you agree?

I can write some more, but I`m afraid to draw away your attention from your affairs. So: as my girl-friend wrote me one day: «целую в щечку и ставлю точку»

(Litterally: `Kiss you to cheek and put a point`.)

Your karate-dancer – Larisa.

P.S. Now is 1990! You`ll be 20! My congratulations to You!

And again – forgive my mistakes and unexactitude of my translation.



Try to read between. Sorry, I am without dictionary, therefore –

I want only say that living speech is without rules usually. And my creation in this letter have a character of up-writing.( It mean =`living speech`).

I like life and I think that life is breaking all rules (not break, but is undependently from all rules). The life is living.

Этот сумбур подразумевает мои накопившиеся, рвущиеся наружу мысли и чувства, которые хотят сказать, что жизнь – это вечно живое, вечно изменяющееся. Её нельзя замуровать заковать в какие-либо жесткие рамки, она их ломает, рушит, прорывает и все делает по-своему,– вопреки и несмотря на. Язык – тем более, он рождается с каждым человеком и~~~~ достаточно. I`m sorry about this side of paper.


Heart-to-heart letters: to MrRight from CCCP

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