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Symptoms of Depression



•Irritability and anger.

•Unexplained aches and pains; headaches; backaches.

•Low energy.

•Extreme weight gain or weight loss.

•Disengaged from daily activities especially ones previously enjoyed.

•Changed sleeping patterns – from excessive sleeping to insomnia.

•Poor concentration and memory.

Depression can occur for a variety of reasons. Some are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Others are the result of environmental factors, such as lack of sunlight in the case of seasonal pattern depression.

Remedies may be as simple as making lifestyle changes or dietary adjustments. In extreme cases of depression, prescription medications may be required to alleviate the condition.

Aside from following your doctor’s orders, it is important to be proactive in your treatment and that means using various natural remedies that can help improve your condition on a day-to-day basis.

Personal Development With Success Ingredients

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