Читать книгу Vegan ist Unsinn! - Niko Rittenau - Страница 46



1Bundesgesundheitsministerium. (2021). Glossar – Essstörungen. Zugriff am 1. Februar 2021. Verfügbar unter https://bit.ly/3ccU2sn

2Verein für unabhängige Gesundheitsberatung. (2006). Was ist Orthorexia nervosa? Zugriff am 1. Februar 2021. Verfügbar unter https://bit.ly/3cfEwMi


4Müller, T. (2018). Vegane Kost als Ersatzreligion – Radikalisierung der Ernährung schreitet munter voran. Zugriff am 1. Februar 2021. Verfügbar unter https://bit.ly/3gf1sec

5Beck, R. (2018). TagesWoche – Wenn Veganismus als Deckmantel für Essstörungen hinhalten muss. Zugriff am 1. Februar 2021. Verfügbar unter https://bit.ly/2ZwptaU


7Barthels, F., Meyer, F. und Pietrowsky, R. (2018). Orthorexic and Restrained Eating Behaviour in Vegans, Vegetarians, and Individuals on a Diet. Eat Weight Disord, 23(2), 159–166.

8Brytek-Matera, A. (2019). Vegetarian diet and orthorexia nervosa: a review of the literature. Eat Weight Disord, Online ahead of print.

9Timko, C. A., Hormes, J. M. und Chubski, J. (2012). Will the Real Vegetarian Please Stand Up? An Investigation of Dietary Restraint and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Vegetarians Versus Non-Vegetarians. Appetite, 58(3), 982–990.


11Çiçekoğlu, P. und Tunçay, G. Y. (2018). A Comparison of Eating Attitudes Between Vegans/Vegetarians and Nonvegans/Nonvegetarians in Terms of Orthorexia Nervosa. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 32(2), 200–205.

12Heiss, S., Coffino, J. A. und Hormes, J. M. (2017). Eating and Health Behaviors in Vegans Compared to Omnivores: Dispelling Common Myths. Appetite, 118, 129–135.

13Norwood, R., Cruwys, T., Chachay, V. S. und Sheffield, J. (2019). The psychological characteristics of people consuming vegetarian, vegan, paleo, gluten free and weight loss dietary patterns. Obes Sci Pract, 5(2), 148–158.


15Brytek-Matera, A. (2019). Vegetarian diet and orthorexia nervosa: a review of the literature. Eat Weight Disord, Online ahead of print.

16Barthels, F., Poerschke, S., Müller, R. und Pietrowsky, R. (2019). Orthorexic Eating Behavior in Vegans Is Linked to Health, Not to Animal Welfare. Eat Weight Disord, 25(3), 817–820.

17Dittfeld, A., Gwizdek, K., Jagielski, P., Brzęk, A. und Ziora, K. (2017). A study on the relationship between orthorexia and vegetarianism using the BOT (Bratman Test for Orthorexia). Psychiatr Pol, 2017; 51(6), 1133–1144.

18Brytek-Matera, A., Czepczor-Bernat, K., Jurzak, H., Kornacka, M. und Kołodziejczyk, N. (2019). Strict health-oriented eating patterns (orthorexic eating behaviours) and their connection with a vegetarian and vegan diet. Eat Weight Disord, 24(3), 441–452.

19Dittfeld, A., Gwizdek, K., Jagielski, P., Brzęk, A. und Ziora, K. (2017). A study on the relationship between orthorexia and vegetarianism using the BOT (Bratman Test for Orthorexia). Psychiatr Pol, 2017; 51(6), 1133–1144.

20Pribis, P., Pencak, R. C. und Grajales, T. (2010). Beliefs and Attitudes toward Vegetarian Lifestyle across Generations. Nutrients, 2(5), 523–531.

21Janssen, M., Busch, C., Rödiger, M. und Hamm,

U. (2016). Motives of Consumers Following a Vegan Diet and Their Attitudes Towards Animal Agriculture. Appetite, 105, 643–651.

22Brytek-Matera, A., Czepczor-Bernat, K., Jurzak, H., Kornacka, M. und Kołodziejczyk, N. (2019). Strict health-oriented eating patterns (orthorexic eating behaviours) and their connection with a vegetarian and vegan diet. Eat Weight Disord, 24(3), 441–452.

23Ridley, J. (2015). My vegan diet almost killed me. Zugriff am Februar 2021. Verfügbar unter https://bit.ly/2Zxb0LJ

24Wilson, B. (2017). Why we fell for clean eating. Zugriff am 1. Februar 2021. Verfügbar unter https://bit.ly/2AXYtXv

25Ridley, J. (2015). My vegan diet almost killed me. Zugriff am 1. Februar 2021. Verfügbar unter https://bit.ly/2Zxb0LJ

26Hanganu-Bresch, C. (2019). Orthorexia: Eating Right in the Context of Healthism. Med Humanit, 46(3), 311–322.

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