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Exotic Green Superpower Ginger & Coconut Smoothie

"Not that I loved Ceasar Salads Less, but that I loved Green Smoothies More"

Let's talk about a powerful combination of some fortified, exotic and nutritious superfoods like cucumbers, kale, mint, ginger, coconut water, parsley and more.

The secret ingredient that I use here in order to bring out a rich nutty and exotic tasting flavour is the coconut water.

This is a magical mixture of green and exotic superfoods that are healing in nature. These are ingredients that do not only taste deliciously and exotically, but they will give your body and brain the most nutritious and beneficial nurishment.

Coconut is especially beneficial to help prevent obesity and it improves the heart health.

Coconut is high in dietary fiber, it has a low glycemic index, it reduces sweet cravings, it improves digestion.

It is also a quick energy booster.

In addition, coconut contains no trans fats, it is gluten free and it is non toxic and hypoallergenic.

It also contains antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti parasitic healing properties.

Coconut helps your overall immune system functions.

Ginger is helping with gastrointestinal relief.

Safe and effective relief of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Ginger carries anti inflammatory effects and helps protect against colorectal cancer.

Ginger induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells and helps boost the immune system.

The Exotic & Green Superpower Smoothie with coconut and ginger contains the following ingredients:


1-2 organic small cucumbers

3 medium kale leaves (torn)

5 stems of fresh mint

3 stems of fresh parsley

2.5 cm pieces of fresh organic ginger

1 organic avocado

1 cup of organic coconut water

juice of 1 lime

1-2 teaspoons of udo's, hemp or flaxseed oil (optional)

1-2 tablespoons of hemp seeds or chia seeds (optional)

2 - 3 drops of liquid stevia


For all these Smoothie recipe simply follow my 5 Minute Easy n'Quick Smoothie Preparation Power Tips To Maximize Your Pound Dropping Results in the section below.

Add all the ingredients into your Vitamix or similar high-speed blender. Make sure to add fresh spring water or ice cubes if needed. Add as much water as you like in order to reach your desired thickness of the smoothie. For all the smoothie recipes, make sure to use organic products, fruits and vegetables if possible.

Mix all the ingredients together and process them with your favorite blender until all of the ingredients are well combined together. Make sure the broccoli is broken down and all the other ingredients are well swirled together in a rich looking creamy texture.

Add a little filtered spring water or ice cubes if needed for your desired consistency.

If you like you can also add some raw honey or if you are on a smoothie diet and like it sweet you can add a little bit of your favorite sweetener.

Other people love the unsweatened taste!

Detox Diet & Detox Recipes in 10 Day Detox: Detoxification of the Liver, Colon and Sugar With Smoothies

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