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Vitamix Versus Nutribullet

I have always loved my Vitamix more than the Nutribullet at first because the Vitamix is just many more things that just a regular old blender.

I use my Vitamix to grind up herbs, grains, veggies, fruits, flax seeds, and whatever ingredient I like to add to my Smoothies.

As you can imagine, I was pretty sceptic when I first heard about the Nutribullet. I did not believe that any other kitchen aid might be comparable to the Vitamix because for me the Vitamix is just ninja powerful.

The Vitamix still peaked my curiosity because I just love new kitchen tools and appliances.

Since I am also a consultant myself, I am constantly looking for new trends and kitchen supplies to tell my clients about. I am constantly looking for more affordable and less expensive kitchen supplies because not everybody can afford to buy high prized kitchen stuff.

I decided to give the Nutribullet a shot and compare it to my Vitamix.

The following are my own results:

The Nutribullet ground up every ingredient that I fed into it and I was totally surprised. The first smoothie that I made with it was chunk free when I tasted it and the consistency was totally smooth.

I was totally floored with the results and decide to give it some more experimenting time.

I was able to grind up even the leafiest greens and even goji berries and to my surprise even with better results than with a standard kitchen blender.

I love how the milling blade of the Nutribullet grinds up flax seeds into flax meal and in such an effortless fashion.

Overall, I think that the Nutribullet is the perfect alternative to the Vitamix. It is truly an inexpensive alternative for the expensive and high end Vitamix blender.

It is perfect for someone who is starting out with smoothies and who is looking for an easy way to make smoothies and other blender recipes an affordable investment.

What is still surprising me to this day is that the Nutribullet is very similar to the Vitamix blender. The Nutribullet works very well for grinding grains and even nuts.

The differences between the Nutribullet and the Vitamix are really minor.

After having gone through the test, I believe that the Nutribullet is even the better option because it is just a better deal in terms of investment for what you are getting. It is in my opinion the best option for everyone who is looking for a healthy lifestyle and who does not want to invest too much money upfront in order to get started.

This test and experimenting phase has also let me to the conclusion that I want to help people who are just getting started with a Smoothie diet or with a Smoothie lifestyle.

Since I want to make a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle achievable and affordable for real people in real life, I went ahead and created a collection of Smoothie recipes just for people who already invested in the Nutribullet or who are going to invest in the Nutribullet in the near future in order to better their life.

The upcoming collection of smoothies has been created with the Nutribullet. I created these Nutribullet recipes for real people that have one goal in mind: Getting started with a realistic healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle like the smoothie diet because they know it is achievable and the Nutribullet is going to help them make their choice an affordable choice.

Let's get started with the scrumptious & healthy smoothie recipes that you can quickly and easily make with your own Nutribullet, too!

Detox Diet & Detox Recipes in 10 Day Detox: Detoxification of the Liver, Colon and Sugar With Smoothies

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