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The Golden Smoothie Shot

"We Are such Stuff As Golden Smoothies are Made of..."

Let's talk about a powerful combination of ginger root, lemon and apple.

The secret ingredient is the ginger root her and let's take a look at what the ginger root can do for you.

The anti inflammatory properties and active principles of the ginger root are thought to provide pain relief in multiple number of ways.

It has the power to stop migraines in their tracks and to ease the aches of arthritis and joint pain.

It also fights ovarian cancer. It seems that ginger has the ability to eliminate the dangerous cancerous ovarian cells. Ginger also seems to slow the progress of bowel cancer.

Ginger also has a boosting effect on the immune system, making you fit and healthy.

Make sure to consume this immune system boosting smoothie drink on a daily basis to stay healthy and clean all year around!

I suggest to drink this smoothie in slow sips and you can keep it near your workspace so you can take a sip throughout the day. If you have trouble sleeping than make sure to only drink this secret ingredient drink in the morning because ginger has a similar characteristic as coffeine.

The Peanutbutter Banana Silk Smoothie contains the following ingredients:


1 organic small apple (peeled, cored, sliced)

1 organic lemon (peeled, seeded)

1/2 cups of fresh filtered source water

ice cubes

1 piece of fresh gingerroot (peeled, crushed)


For all these Smoothie recipe simply follow my 5 Minute Easy n'Quick Smoothie Preparation Power Tips To Maximize Your Pound Dropping Results in the section below.

Add all the ingredients into your Vitamix or similar high-speed blender. Make sure to add fresh spring water or ice cubes if needed. Add as much water as you like in order to reach your desired thickness of the smoothie. For all the smoothie recipes, make sure to use organic products, fruits and vegetables if possible.

Mix all the ingredients together and process them with your favorite blender until all of the ingredients are well combined together. Blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Make sure to drink the Golden Delight slowly.

Add a little filtered spring water or ice cubes if needed for your desired consistency.

If you like you can also add some raw honey or if you are on a smoothie diet and like it sweet you can add a little bit of your favorite sweetener.

Other people love the unsweatened taste!

Detox Diet & Detox Recipes in 10 Day Detox: Detoxification of the Liver, Colon and Sugar With Smoothies

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