Читать книгу Detox Diet & Detox Recipes in 10 Day Detox: Detoxification of the Liver, Colon and Sugar With Smoothies - Speedy Publishing - Страница 42


9 Tips How To Turn A Smoothie Diet Experience Into Living The Smoothie Lifestyle

1. Blend a couple of times a day and as long as you plan to apply your Smoothie diet.

2. Combine it with eating healthy clean foods for 1 meal and a healthy snack or two throughout the day.

3. Combine your smoothie diet with a light daily workout ritual like Yoga or any other physical activity.

4. The more smoothies you drink during the day and the less processed foods you consume the more weight you are going to lose.

5. Don't push yourself too hard. This is a long term strategy and once you reached your dieting goal, make sure to include these healthy smoothies into your daily meal plan in order to stay fit and keep a lean body.

6. Reward yourself with some scumptious and healthy Paleo desserts and guilt free baked goods or a nice tea ceremony or anything else you are interested in like listening to good music, watching an interesting movie, experiencing mindfulness, developing your mental state, etc.

7. Never abuse anything and keep the balance

8. Always motivate yourself and stay on the positive side of things. When things get tough get clarity via meditation, yoga, breathing techniques and bliss

9. Respect these rules above on a daily basis and applying a daily Smoothie ritual in combination with juicing and a light healthy meal plan and workout is going to be transformational and life changing for your health, mind and seoul. This process is also called living the Smoothie Lifestyle which should be your ultimate goal if you desire to double your life and stay lean and clean.

Detox Diet & Detox Recipes in 10 Day Detox: Detoxification of the Liver, Colon and Sugar With Smoothies

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