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Watching a vlog isn’t like supporting a football team. Viewers can watch two or more vloggers and like them equally. See if there are any other vloggers in your field who aim at the same age group, and talk to people of your target age group to find out which vloggers they watch. Having an idea of your audience’s wider viewing habits both enables you to keep an eye on the competition and to identify vloggers to collaborate with to widen your appeal.

Answering the questions above will help you determine what your audience wants, so you can meet their needs and satisfy them. Satisfied viewers will keep coming back and they are more likely to tell other people about you, helping you to grow your reach. If you arrogantly started showing off about a subject to a group of people without taking the time to ask questions or find out what they were interested in, do you think they’d like you? Of course not. You can only bond with people – and viewers – if you take the time to get to know them and find out what they like.

Get Rich Blogging

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