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The Natives were fighting among themselves for power. A faction that identified themselves as the “Native Mob” developed. They were Natives that wanted to be more aggressive than the rest of the tribe was willing to be.

A member of the Native Mob was attacked in his cell by a member of the tribe after he returned from the pill run. He notified staff of the assault but would not identify his attacker as he said he did not want any trouble. He was bleeding under his eye and chin, so he was escorted to Health Services. The assailant was able to be identified on video tape. He was seen going into the cell, punching the Native Mob inmate and then exiting.

Shortly after that, he approached two members of the Native Mob. He punched one of them in the face. The other Native Mob guy helped out his buddy by attacking the assailant. Another tribe member arrived and attacked the assailant’s attacker.

This freed up the first assailant from the tribe to continue his assault on the first Native Mob guy. He punched him until the Mob inmate fell on the tier. His attack changed to kicks instead of punches. The Mob guy tried to stop the assault by grabbing for his leg. He couldn’t grab it and got kicked in the face. He tried to get away, but couldn’t. The assailant got in five good kicks to the Mob guy’s head before he rested a bit, pulled up his shorts and kicked him one last time.

The assailant then went to help out his buddy that was fighting the other Mob inmate. The Mob guy was bleeding from his nose and mouth as the A-Team arrived. They were directed to stop, but did not, so chemical irritants were applied. Everyone got arrested.

An officer grabbed a towel and gave it to the Native Mob inmate that was lying on the tier, so he could try to contain all of the blood coming from his face. The inmate was dazed and confused. His assailant was being escorted past him at this time and yelled, “That’s Native Mob style.” This beating was to give the Native Mob a taste of their own medicine. The Mob guy was cuffed up and taken to Health Services.

As the two tribe inmates were being escorted through A-West to segregation, they were yelling, “Native Mob Motherfuckers! Native Mob bitches!” They were directed to cease their yelling, but continued.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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