Читать книгу LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies - Donna Serdula - Страница 33
ОглавлениеIt’s important to realize that LinkedIn caters search results to the person searching. LinkedIn wants to provide relevant search results. By trying to find yourself in search, you may find that you rank several pages in or not at all. Don’t get upset! LinkedIn knows you are the person searching, and because you are the searcher, you can’t possibly want to find your own profile. The other thing to realize is that search results are different for everyone. When people search by keyword, they are searching their LinkedIn networks, and no two networks are the same!
LinkedIn also tailors search results based upon what it believes is most relevant to the person searching. If you and your friend both search for the same keyword, the search results will vary wildly. You may see a certain profile on page 1, and your friend may find that profile on page 10 or not at all. How does LinkedIn determine what is relevant to you? It references the contents of your profile and potentially hashtags you follow and posts you share or engage with to determine your interests. Just as two networks are not the same, no two profiles are the same.
So how do you test your profile’s SEO? You could potentially ask a friend to search your keywords, but even that only tells you where you fall in a search conducted by your friend — a recruiter or hiring manager may have totally different results. I’ve found the best way to determine how well your profile performs is to check your profile views. As long as people are landing on your profile, your profile is performing well.