Читать книгу Conozcamos lo nuestro - The Gauchos's Heritage - Enrique Rapela - Страница 12

Editor’s note


Editorial El Ateneo is proud to present The Gaucho’s Heritage, by Enrique Rapela.

The texts, originally published in three installments, have been organized in chapters and subject parts. We have been extremely respectful of his style, preserving his thoroughness when he describes each knot, the traditional games, the variety of the coat color of the horses.

Beieng an excellent draftsman, his illustrations are inseparable from the text: they constitute all together a unique work. In order to clean the stains that time could have caused in them, the images were treated to make them pristine again to the reader’s eyes. To achieve that, they were scanned from the original; they were cleaned with Photoshop® until they were left without moire, and then they were passed to a vector in Illustrator®. That allowed us to show them in the desired size without losing an ounce of quality.

Conozcamos lo nuestro - The Gauchos's Heritage

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