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8.5 Audit Report


While all audit team members have input into the audit report, the final report is typically written by the lead auditor. The report should include the audit objective and scope, and list the site areas included. It may be appropriate to include the initial audit plan and lists of people who attended opening and closing meetings.

The format of the audit report will vary depending on the culture of the organization being audited and the type of management reports already prevalent in the organization. One approach may be to structure the report to list only the deficiencies. These items may be grouped by severity to facilitate prioritizing corrective actions. This report style has the advantage of being concise and to the point; however, it does not acknowledge any good work being done. Morale can be affected if the only included material is negative in nature.

A different report style can list both the elements that were found to be in compliance and the deficient areas. This format can alert management to all of the problems, while at the same time providing information on the positive aspects that are being handled well by the employees. Therefore, areas in need of attention are denoted at the same time that recognition is given for items that do reduce risks. This type of report can provide senior management with a good overall perspective of facility status.

Still another report type may state only a recommended course of action based on the observations made during the facility visit. Recommendations can be generic or specific and serve to point a facility in a certain direction (e.g. replace verbal procedures and agreements with written documentation) or assign responsibility (e.g. for material safety data sheet collection and storage) to one person.

Finally, an opinion report can provide the relative degree to which compliance is met by subject area, and include phrases indicating that the facility is “wholly,” “substantially,” or “minimally” in conformance.

It is often helpful to include a one‐page executive summary at the beginning of the report to apprise upper management of the overall status of the facility and any significant recommendations. It is common for the audit report to be delivered in draft form to ensure that the information is accurate and that the format and style are consistent with past agreements. Once the draft has been revised by the audit team, a final report is issued. Whatever format is chosen for the final report, it should be clearly stated prior to the initiation of the audit.

Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Program Management and Specialty Areas of Practice

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