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8.6 Postaudit Actions


Following the audit, a plan of action to address any deficient areas must be established. It is increasingly common for the audit findings to be entered into a tracking system that will facilitate resolution. The action plan for audit findings and resolution should include identification of the person accountable for resolution and the expected completion date. For complex issues, a detailed action plan may be needed with numerous components, that include consideration of necessary resources, both financial and personnel. When a robust tracking system is used, it can keep the original spirit of the audit alive by permitting periodic status reports to be forwarded to management. Statistics detailing percent of serious deficiencies corrected and remaining items sorted by priority and deadline provide a tangible measuring stick for facility administrators.

When MS are audited, the postaudit period provides an opportunity to evaluate potential deficiencies in the overall system. There is value in performing a root cause analysis of each audit finding to see if the finding occurred from a deficiency in some part of the system.

Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Program Management and Specialty Areas of Practice

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