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Coptic Versions
ОглавлениеWhat is known as Coptic consists of a variety of dialects which did not achieve written form until the Christian era. Translations of the New Testament, beginning from the 3rd century, represent the following dialects:
ac = Akhmimic
ly = Lycopolitanic (= Subakhmimic)
bo = Bohairic
mae = Middle Egyptian (= Mesokemic)
cw = Dialect W (= crypto-Mesokemic, Middle Egyptian Fayyumic
pbo = Proto-Bohairic
sa = Sahidic
fa = Fayyumic
cv = Dialect V
Manuscripts in Sahidic and Bohairic exist for all the writings of the New Testament. It is certain that these translations originate from Greek sources. The manuscript tradition is fragmentary in the other dialects. 15 The mutual relationships among these versions, intra-versional developments and the influence of editorial alterations according to Greek texts remain the subject of research and have not yet been clarified comprehensively.
ac, ly, etc.
The signs used without further qualification represent the whole manuscript tradition of the respective dialects.
The following group signs are used for the Coptic versions:
co: All the Coptic versions extant for the passage witness to a particular Greek reading.
For the Sahidic and Bohairic versions, the number of manuscripts supporting a particular reading is indicated in superscript. Because of the paucity of Sahidic evidence in comparison to the wealth of evidence for the Bohairic version, the following distinctions are observed:
sams, boms
sams, boms: One Sahidic or Bohairic witness supports the particular reading.
samss: Two or more Sahidic manuscripts support the particular reading.
bomss: Two to four Bohairic witnesses support the particular reading.
bopt (= bopartim): Five or more Bohairic witnesses support the particular reading.
Bohairic manuscripts considered in Horner's edition (see below) as closely related and designated by a single group sign (a letter without a superscript) are treated as a single witness. They are treated as several witnesses only when Horner also makes the distinction.
boms/mss – bo
When boms or bomss differ from other Bohairic witnesses, bo represents the latter. When bopt supports a particular reading, the remaining witnesses are also represented by bopt.
sams/mss – sams/mss
The Sahidic tradition generally comprises relatively few witnesses. When sams or samss differ from the rest of the Sahidic tradition, the remaining witnesses are also represented by sams or samss.
( )
( ): The Greek reading is supported, but with some slight variation, when the version is shown in parentheses.
sams(s), boms(s)
sams(s), boms(s): Several Sahidic or Bohairic manuscripts support the respective Greek variant, at least one of them with slight variation.
The following signs are used on rare occasions to indicate a relative degree of possibility:
sa? bo? etc.
sa? bo? etc.: The version's support for a reading is possible, but not certain.
sa? – sa? / bo? – bo? etc.
sa? – sa? / bo? – bo? etc.: The version may support either of two variant readings in a passage in contrast to a third variant (cf. Mt 5,32 ⸄ ).
This form is not used for instances where minor differences from a main variant are indicated by parentheses.
The Coptic versions are cited from the following editions and/or manuscripts:
For the Sahidic:
G. Horner, The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect, otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic, 7 vols., Oxford 1911-1924.
R. Kasser, Papyrus Bodmer XIX, Évangile de Matthieu XIV,28–XXVIII,20; Épître aux Romains I,1–II,3 en sahidique, Geneva 1962 (used for Mt, IV/V cent.).
H. Quecke, Das Markusevangelium saïdisch. Text der Handschrift PPalau Rib. Inv. Nr. 182 mit den Varianten der Handschrift M 569, Barcelona 1972 (Mk, V cent.).
H. Quecke, Das Lukasevangelium saïdisch. Text der Handschrift PPalau Rib. Inv. Nr. 181 mit den Varianten der Handschrift M 569, Barcelona 1977 (Lk, V cent.).
H. Quecke, Das Johannesevangelium saïdisch. Text der Handschrift PPalau Rib. Inv. Nr. 183 mit den Varianten der Handschriften 813 und 814 der Chester Beatty Library und der Handschrift M 569, Barcelona 1984 (Jn, V cent.).
H. Thompson, The Coptic Version of the Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Epistles, Cambridge 1932: Chester Beatty Codex A/B (Ac and Paul, A ca. 600, B VII cent.).
K. Schüssler, Die Katholischen Briefe in der koptischen (sahidischen) Version, [Pierpont Morgan M 572], CSCO 528/529, Louvain 1991 (Catholic Letters, IX cent.).
For the Bohairic:
G. Horner, The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect, otherwise called Memphitic and Bohairic, 4 vols., Oxford 1898-1905.
For the Akhmimic:
F. Rösch, Bruchstücke des ersten Clemensbriefes nach dem achmimischen Papyrus der Straßburger Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek mit biblischen Texten derselben Handschrift, Strasbourg 1910 (Jn, Jas, IV cent.).
For the Lycopolitanic:
H. Thompson, The Gospel of St. John according to the earliest Coptic manuscript, London 1924 (Jn, IV cent.).
For the Middle Egyptian:
H.-M. Schenke, Das Matthäus-Evangelium im mittelägyptischen Dialekt des Koptischen (Codex Scheide), Berlin 1981 (Mt IV/V(?) cent.).
H.-M. Schenke, Das Matthäus-Evangelium im mittelägyptischen Dialekt des Koptischen (Codex Schøyen). (Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection 2; Coptic Papyri 1), Oslo 2001. (The evaluation of this witness has not been concluded yet and could not be taken into account in the present edition.)
H.-M. Schenke, Apostelgeschichte 1,1–15,3 im mittelägyptischen Dialekt des Koptischen (Codex Glazier, G 67), Berlin 1991 (Ac, V cent.).
For Dialect W:
E. Husselman, The Gospel of John in Fayumic Coptic (P. Mich. Inv. 3521), Ann Arbor 1962 (Jn, IV/V(?) cent.).
For Dialect V:
H.-M. Schenke (in cooperation with R. Kasser), Papyrus Michigan 3520 und 6868 (a). Ecclesiastes, Erster Johannesbrief und Zweiter Petrusbrief im fayumischen Dialekt (TU 151). Berlin-New York 2003.
For Proto-Bohairic:
R. Kasser, Papyrus Bodmer III, Évangile de Jean et Genèse I–IV,2 en bohaïrique, CSCO 177, Louvain 1958 (Jn, IV/V(?) cent.).
As a result of preparatory work for the Gospel of John in the ECM the apparatus for this text was supplemented and revised in the present edition. This was done with particular reference to manuscripts sa 1, sa 4, sa 5, sa 9 and sa 10. In addition, sa 15L, sa 19, sa 56, sa 60, sa 141 and sa 244 were taken into account.
In the Acts apparatus Coptic notes were added where variants of 127 had to be incorporated. In the apparatus of other parts of the NT only a few obvious errors were corrected. A thoroughgoing revision will be carried out when the entire evidence is brought together for future volumes of the ECM.