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The Last Operator panel


There’s an additional quasi-region in the 3D Viewport that’s extremely useful. At the bottom left of the 3D Viewport is the Last Operator panel. If you’ve just opened Blender, you won’t see this panel at all (because you haven’t done anything yet). However, if you perform an action in Blender — also known as an operator — like moving your selected object or adding a new object, this panel updates to display values relevant to that operator. Using this panel, you can perform a quick, rough operation and then tweak it to be more precise. For example, if you add a UV Sphere to your scene (Add ⇒ Mesh ⇒ UV Sphere), Blender adds a UV Sphere object to your scene at the location of the 3D cursor with 32 segments and 16 rings. Using the Last Operator panel, you can not only adjust the location of your new sphere, but you can also modify the number of segments and rings it has. You can see more on how the Last Operator panel is used in Chapter 5.

Depending on the last action you do in Blender, the Last Operator panel can sometimes take up quite a bit of space, so you may choose to leave it collapsed. However, it can be annoying to constantly move your mouse back to the Last Operator panel just to expand and collapse it. Fortunately, there’s a faster way. You can access the Last Operator panel by pressing F9. Upon doing so, a “floating” Last Operator appears under your mouse cursor. Figure 2-10 shows the floating Last Operator panel after adding a UV sphere to the scene.

FIGURE 2-10: You can open a floating Last Operator panel by pressing F9.

You should note that the Last Operator panel is relevant only for the last operation you actually performed. It’s not a construction history, and it doesn’t persistently remain in memory after you perform subsequent operations. For example, if you add a UV Sphere and then immediately rotate that sphere, there’s no way for you to adjust the number of segments and rings in it from the Last Operator panel. Even if you undo the rotate operation, those Last Operator values won’t return (after all, Undo is another operation). The Last Operator panel relates to the last thing you did — no more, no less.

Blender For Dummies

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