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Would you rather…

be overwhelmingly compelled to chase squirrels and mailmen like a dog


have a tendency to casually crawl onto people’s laps to take naps like a cat?

Would you rather…

every time you’re in a car, have to hang your head out the window like a dog (including when you are driving)


have to take dumps in a litter box?

Would you rather…

be mortally terrified of triangles


of the number 4?

Things to consider: pizza slices, the dreaded isosceles, 4:44.

Would you rather…

only be able to communicate using movie quotes


only be able to speak in Lolcat language?

Would you rather…

have all your dates chaperoned by WWE giant, The Big Show


have to invite a pack of Mormon missionaries to every party you have?

Would you rather…

address all women as “Bee-yotch” for the rest of your life


all men as “My Liege”?

Things to consider: business meetings, family dinners, being a contestant on a game show

Would you rather…

urinate out of your left nostril


defecate only via a bio-prosthetic shoulder-mounted rocket launcher?

Things to consider: using urinals, sneezing, aiming for enemies

Would you rather…

have constantly sweaty (to the point of dripping) palms


invariably emit a 10-second fart when hugged?

Would you rather…

have living bowel movements that are in the shape of fecal hamsters


randomly puke up a dozen hermit crabs once a week?

Would you rather…

get a tattoo of an accurate ruler up your arm


a tip percentage chart on the back of your hand?

Would you rather…

have all the steps in your house replaced with chutes and ladders


have all your furniture made of adjustable Legos?

Would you rather…

fashion underwear out of crumb-filled potato chip bags


wear socks full of centipedes?

Would you rather…

have broccoli hair


croissant skin?

Things to consider: healthy snack hair cut, flaking

Would you rather…

lose your teeth every week like a Tiger Shark


shed your skin once a week like a snake?

Would you rather…

have your skin made out of sticky Wacky Wall Walker material


have your body made out of Nerf material?

Things to consider: constantly collecting dirt and lint, getting really heavy in the swimming pool

Would you rather…

have to “log-roll” anytime you are standing still to avoid falling over


perpetually have involuntary movements as if you are swatting gnats out of your face?

Would you rather…

compulsively head-butt anything you see that’s purple


compulsively make out with anything orange?

Things to consider: eggplant, pumpkins, grapes, carrots, Grimace, Oompa-Loompas

Would you rather…

be reincarnated as Paris Hilton’s toy poodle


Britney Spears’ next baby?

Would you rather…

have a rare Tourette’s syndrome that causes you to always flip off police officers


one where you uncontrollably moon nuns?

Would you rather…

every time you cry, one person is cured of cancer for every tear


every time you get the hiccups, a random Al Qaeda member is killed for each hiccup?

Would you rather…

have a seven-foot-long tongue


seven-foot-long neck?

Would you rather…

have a helium-filled body


a lead-filled body?

Would you rather…

have your two top front teeth never stop growing


your two bottom front teeth never stop growing?

Things to consider: vision problems, walking problems

Would you rather…

compulsively engage mailmen in sumo contests to try to belly them off your doorstep


compulsively challenge all baristas to arm wrestle?

Would you rather…

have an actual beehive hairdo


have actual mutton chop sideburns?

Would you rather…

have a solar-powered brain


a battery-powered brain?

Things to consider: Who would have your extra battery?, slowing down as power gets low, cloudy days, where would you live?

Would you rather…

occasionally “lose reception” (like when on a cell phone) in conversation and be unable to hear what people are saying


have a belly button that is a black hole that sucks objects within two inches into nothingness?

Would you rather…

snore the sound of a chainsaw


burp with the force of a bathroom hair dryer?

Would you rather…

have to wear a Snuggie in public every day


have to wear an eye patch?

Things to consider: playing sports, business presentations, sleeping on airplanes

Would you rather…

have to drink using only an eye dropper


have to eat using only a thumbtack?

Would you rather…

have to keep a hard-boiled egg in your mouth at all times


have an armadillo chained to your leg at all times?

Would You Rather...? The Big Book

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