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Lawrence, D. H. (1885–1930)


Ein kurzer Dialog aus D. H. Lawrences Lady Chatterley's Lover illustriert die Haltung des philanthropischen Antinatalismus:

„»But if you have a child?« she said.

He dropped his head.

»Why,« he said at last. »It seems to me a wrong and bitter thing to do, to bring a child into this world.«

»No! Don't say it! Don't say it!« she pleaded. »I think I'm going to have one. Say you'll be pleased.« She laid her hand on his.

»I'm pleased for you to be pleased,« he said. »But for me it seems a ghastly treachery to the unborn creature.«“ (Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover Penguin Books, S. 227f)


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