Читать книгу 101 Inclusive and SEN Art, Design Technology and Music Lessons - Kate Bradley - Страница 25


9. Paint Bags

Learning Objective


Pupils make marks intentionally on a surface with fingers or tools.

Additional Skills

Fine motor: making marks in paint/on bag.

Visual: copying an adult.

Social communication: working alongside others.



Different coloured paints



Ziplock bags

Electrical tape


• Help all the children to put on aprons. Place the selection of paint and glitter in a tray in front of the group.

• Model choosing a paint colour and squeezing some into the ziplock bag and then shaking in some glitter.

• All children take a turn at adding paint and glitter.

• Once all the bags are made, stick them with electrical tape to the window.

• Encourage the children to make marks so that they can see the light shining through. These could be shapes or letters of the alphabet, for example.


Count down ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1, finished’. Help the children to tidy up.


Leave the bags on the window. Each day add a different picture or shape next to the paint bags and encourage the children to copy this.

101 Inclusive and SEN Art, Design Technology and Music Lessons

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