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Pick a Provisional Persona


Now, it’s very possible that your team has generated more than one view of the user during this exercise, even if you were all trying to describe the same person.

If there are only minor differences, you can have a short discussion with your team (keep it under 10 minutes) and consolidate the different personas into one coherent version. If, however, you have quite a bit of variation, you’ll need your team to choose the one that they’re going to improve things for. Start by going back to the wall. Put all of your personas up in a visible spot and gather the team together (see Figure 2.6).

Now give everyone three stickers. I tend to use dots, since we’re going to do something called dot voting, but anything will do—stars, unicorns, pieces of colored tape, whatever. Each person needs to give a two-minute pitch to the team about who their provisional persona represents and why that’s the right version to focus on for improving the product. Then you vote.

FIGURE 2.6 Review all the personas.

When voting, make sure that people know they’re voting for the persona that most closely resembles someone who would be an actual user of their product. This is the type of user for whom the team will be building and improving the product.

Each person needs to put their stickers on the persona or personas they select. You can put all three stickers on one persona or split them up evenly. If there’s a tie, give everybody else one more sticker and make them vote only on the tied personas (see Figure 2.7).

FIGURE 2.7 Vote for the user you’re building for.

If you like, instead of voting for entire personas, you could have the team vote for specific facts, behaviors, problems, needs, or goals that they think are most important. By the end of this exercise, you should have a single persona for whom you are going to start improving your product.

Build Better Products

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