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Determine Context of Use


Where and with whom a person interacts with a product has a huge impact on your product and design choices. We’ll talk more about this in Chapter 7, “Design Better,” but for now, try to answer these questions about the context in which your product is being used or will be used by your customers.

With whom will they use the product? Virtually/in-person/combo?

Style app: Alone

SaaS tool: Marketing managers; content marketers; copywriters; virtually

Where will they use the product?

Style app: On public transit; at home

SaaS tool: In meetings; at their desks at the office; while traveling

When and how often will they use the product?

Style app: Multiple times a day for a few minutes at a time

SaaS tool: Once a week for this user (other users will use multiple times a day)

Build Better Products

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