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Throughout the book, when applicable, you will find sections that are written from different perspectives: The Manager Perspective and the Organizational Perspective.

The Manager Perspectives help to illustrate the process that the manager, Linda Algozzini, went through in each stage of this endeavor. These are found at the end of each chapter in Parts One and Two and then when applicable in Part Three.

The Organizational Perspective was written from the perspective of Dr. Grady Batchelor, who was the Dean of Faculty and Student Success at the university when this framework was implemented. Dr. Batchelor's perspective shares what he saw from his role inside the department and university as a whole. As a result, some of the terminology used in this chapter is specific to educational settings and/or this university; however, the results are still applicable outside of education and this particular setting. This is in Chapter 12.

The use of these perspectives illustrates the variety of participants involved in the implementation of this framework. This is to show the reader some insight on the impact that this had on those involved and to illustrate the three perspectives as evident in Participatory Action Research.

Group Coaching and Mentoring

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