Читать книгу The Blood Type Diet Cookbook - Lucy Degremont - Страница 29

Meat and Poultry


Your best choices of protein are determined by the fact that your stomach acid levels tend to be low. In order to properly digest animal protein we need ample amounts of hydrochloric acid. You are therefore better off eating only small amounts of chicken, turkey, guinea fowl and deriving most of your protein from soya products and fish. You may also include eggs in your diet. I have noticed that many of my blood type A patients adopted these choices before knowing about the blood type diet. These are usually patients who are already on the way to better health and have discovered by themselves what foods their body prefers. Eating meat will only clog up your system, make you feel sluggish and heavy, and add weight. Lucy (co-writer of this book) is an A, and knows all about this feeling.

The Blood Type Diet Cookbook

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