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Legumes, Lentils and Soya Products
ОглавлениеPulses and lentils are another excellent source of protein for this blood group. They provide a good source of complex carbohydrates and fibre. All of the health benefits attributed to legumes apply to you more than to any other blood type. Legumes contain phytosterols and fibre that have cholesterol-lowering and cancer-protective effects (type As have a higher risk of cancer than some other blood types – this is discussed in greater detail on page 23). In addition, legumes encourage good bowel function, which protects against colon cancer and haemorrhoids. Fibre regulates both blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, thereby offering protection against diabetes.
Soya beans and other legumes have approximately the same qualities. However, soya beans, and hence soya products, have a higher fat content with plenty of essential fatty acids and also a higher protein content with an excellent amino acid profile. Soya is a good source of lecithin, which has been shown to lower cholesterol levels (As are at higher risk of elevated cholesterol) and help the liver and gall bladder function effectively.
Soya also contains phytoestrogens that exert both a mild estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effect. In other words these compounds have a balancing effect on the hormonal system.
Blood Type A
Age 56
It is often under the recommendation of his wife that a man goes to see a nutritionist. Over the years I have increasingly suffered from digestive difficulties and painful joints. My professional life is intense and stressful but also enjoyable.
As a type A my food plan excluded meat and dairy. This was not easy but I was able to compensate with fish, which I like. After one month, with the help of some supplements, I regained digestive well-being and experienced a notable reduction in the pain in my joints.
As for the stress issue, I decided to do an adrenal stress test which revealed that my stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA, were high. I was told that since my DHEA was high, this would protect me for a time against the effects of high cortisol. However, I should avoid remaining in this state for too long as this could lead to tired adrenal glands in the end. To reduce my physiological stress response I take herbs and specific nutrients recommended by the nutritionist.