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Minimum, Maximum, and Recommended Daily Protein Intake


We have two means of establishing maximum protein intake. The first is to ask whether some amount of dietary protein can be toxic. Protein needs to be broken down into the constituent molecules, and many of the by-products are processed by the kidneys. Though an important consideration, both theoretical supposition (what volumes of protein breakdown would be required to overtax the kidneys) and direct evidence from carefully controlled research point to the same conclusion: There appears to be no realistic protein amount that is dangerous for human consumption (this, of course, excludes individuals with kidney disease or other conditions requiring restricted protein intake). Recent research tested outcomes of up to 2.0 g per pound of bodyweight per day and found no ill health effects. This amount is probably more than most people would realistically eat on any diet that accounted for macronutrients anyway, so not the most useful figure in determining protein maxima.

The second means of establishing a top end for protein intake comes from caloric constraint and the need for minimum intake of other macronutrients. It is from the CCH that a more applicable maximum protein amount comes. Very simply, if you eat all your daily calories in protein, you will not be able to get sufficient fats or carbohydrates, and your health, sport performance, and recovery will suffer. Maximum protein intake is as much protein as can be eaten within the caloric constraint while still allowing the minimum amounts of fat and carbohydrate for health.

Somewhere between this and the minimum protein needed lies an optimal range of intakes. It would be great if we could recommend one minimum protein intake amount that would fit all dietary needs. Unfortunately, the minimum protein to support health differs from the minimum amount of protein needed to gain muscle and so on. In order to calculate the appropriate range, assessing protein minima for various purposes (health and various specific sports) is required.

The Renaissance Diet 2.0

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