Читать книгу The Renaissance Diet 2.0 - Mike Israetel, James Hoffmann - Страница 43

Protein Needs for General Health


The minimum amount of daily protein needed for health is about 0.3 g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Note that this minimum is not a recommendation for physique or performance, it is the minimum needed just for health.

Current research cannot agree on a specific value of protein intake for best health. Some studies have suggested that better health comes from a lower protein diet, but these conclusions were probably not the best interpretation of the data. When variables such as saturated fat intake or overly processed food consumption are accounted for in literature reviews, it appears that individuals who eat mostly whole food diets that include high protein are just as healthy as their low-protein counterparts (and likely have better physiques). It does seem that the consumption of a minimum of 0.3 g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day can support good health, at least for non-athletes and relatively sedentary individuals.

On the other hand, higher protein intakes support greater muscle masses, which can potentiate higher activity levels, greater resistance to injury, and better long-term health. Eating more protein has also been shown to enhance satiety (the feeling of fullness) for longer than carbs or fat in calorically equivalent amounts. Obesity has negative health effects that can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other comorbidities that can be prevented or ameliorated by weight loss. Raising protein intake may therefore make dieting easier and enhance weight loss in obese individuals, indirectly improving health. Increased protein consumption can also increase lean body mass in old age, which is positively correlated with longevity, the ability to exercise later in life, and resistance to injury in older age–all relevant to long-term health.

These indirect benefits are extremely valuable and should be taken into consideration in the big picture of health choices. Even if one can get by acutely on lower protein diets, long-term health is likely benefited by the daily consumption of more than 0.3 g protein per pound of bodyweight.

At this time, the data suggest a range of between 0.3 and 2.0 g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day as best for health–though we suspect that the low end of this range may not be ideal for long-term health and independence in old age. Athletes should likely lean toward a range of 0.8 to 2.0 g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day to support lean body mass maintenance for sport performance.

The Renaissance Diet 2.0

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