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Thirty paintings in 30 days — Day 1 May 1 2010


Okay – so where to start?

Did I mention, I love what I do?

As I lie here in my bed, drinking my first cup of coffee and looking at Grandmother Mountain (Taos Mountain), I am contemplative about this undertaking I have chosen. This past week has been incredible. I had written several goals for this year and envisioned them, and the majority of them have already come to fruition.

I wanted 3 more galleries — or should I say non-traditional spaces — to showcase and merchandise my artwork, and no sooner had I decided it, I had two. The third came as a delightful surprise in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, in a stunning showcased home store owned by two beautiful men.

I wanted to share with people some of my beliefs on spirituality — and had an interview this week. Check that off my list!

And, although not a conscious goal, I had been meditating — a lot — asking Creator/Spirit, to show me what I was to “do” to best serve. Voilà — I have realized that I AM an artist, and that being an artist is so much more important that I thought it was. As artists we bring in energy — gifts from “above” — to share with all. We allow collectors or patrons to get in touch with a past memories that aid them in getting in touch with their emotions — their inner-child. No longer do I believe that what I do is fluff. It is essential to the growth of the world. I love what I do.

Today is the Dueling Paintbrushes event at a local gallery — a kick-off for my Thirty in 30 — a great, fun performance that I am doing with a fellow artist. But is that really the first painting endeavor that I want to do for my “I’m a big girl artist” party — or do I want to do something less public — more reflective? With the mood that I am in, I think it needs to be done alone.

And so, I am back — the A.D.D. artist. I went to make more coffee (first cup was cold) and did a small painting — Wee Ones #43. Distracted by shiny objects — or as the t-shirt my family got for me one year says, “They say I’m A.D.D. They don’t know what they’re talking about . . . Oh Look, A Chicken!!”.

Second cup of coffee is cold. First painting of Thirty in 30 is done. Still in my pajamas. Did I mention, I love what I do.

Blessings to all,


Yup . . . it’s starting to show. It’s starting to show how much I love being an artist. It’s starting to show just how doing what I love to do started opening my heart . . . creeeeeeeeck . . . you can hear the old keys turning in the locks. Trust me . . . there are still several locked doors to go through.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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