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Shakin’ it up for love and authenticity August 18 2010


I have a friend — okay, so I have a few — but in this blog, I have a friend — well, okay, three friends — whose lives whose lives are shakin’ right now. Mine, too. And why?? (Listen for the proverbial whiny voice that goes along with it. Tell me you can hear it . . . ) “Why, Creator? Why, Source? Why MEEEEEE????”

My first wonderful friend I met on Facebook . . . yes . . . Facebook! We have wonderful rapport, and I felt like I have known her forever! She caught her husband with another woman. Wow . . . what a shock . . . .what a shake-up.

She asked me yesterday why Spirit would take her down so far — to which I replied — “Spirit didn’t take you down. Spirit gave you wings. In order for different energies to come in, we have to get rid of all other energies that don’t serve us well.”

Really shakin’ for her. It’s a rough time, but in it, she has found jewels — friends that will always be there for her. Probably some gems that she didn’t even expect. Gifts — abundance — LOVE!

My second friend had a “knock down drag out with his son” — big time. Shakin’, again. Probably a lot of name-calling and anger floating around — but the result was incredible understanding about each other — and honesty. And, Love. Shakin’ things up, dropping what is not real and pulling out the authenticity. Love.

My third friend told me this week, “I have friends that I have had for ages who don’t seem to fit into my life anymore, and no matter how hard I try, I just don’t seem to be able to get them in.”

Ah, this is a biggie. A shake up. She is on the precipice of huge changes in her life — she is on the edge of the cliff getting ready to jump.

“And how,” I asked her, “will you fit all of the other new wonderful people and friends in if you don’t clear out some of the old?”

Me . . . .well, my daughter is getting married to an incredible man who loves her very much and puts her on the pedestal she deserves. (A little prejudice!) We had a bit of a disagreement last night because we were three “people pleasers” trying to make each other happy — and creating instead a few misunderstandings. Shakin’.

The result was a lesson in speaking up for what you want, being honest (there is THAT word again) and a greater respect for each other’s positions and feelings. Love, again. Without that shake-up, all the love and respect that I feel for my daughter would not be quite so strong.

I look at our energy bodies as a bulging closet full of clothes — beautiful, wonderful, exquisite clothes. But some of them are dated and some don’t fit; some you look at and wonder “what the heck was I thinking?”; some are ripped and stained. How in the heck are you going to fit any new beautiful, wonderful, exquisite clothing in there if you don’t shake it up and clean it out????!!! (Seriously, those bell bottoms and platform shoes have GOT to go!)

And so . . . Creator answers the “Why MEEE????” with “Why not you? I love you so much that I send these shake-ups in order to allow you to live a more authentic life — a life full of integrity; a life full of honesty; a life full of love. Without these shake-ups you would stay stagnant and wouldn’t grow. These are gifts from me, because I love you.”

Ah, there it is.

Some days, I wish Creator didn’t love me sooo much — LOL — Just kidding.

Blessings to all,


I seem to question why a lot. Or I used to. Like why was I chosen to paint . . . when it is something that I never, ever dreamed of doing? Why was I chosen to write this book . . . when I never thought much of writing? I suppose, it is a lesson in learning how to surrender and allow. Allow the answers to be revealed. Allow what is going to happen to happen. The answers will come, Paula. Painting has opened your heart. What writing will do for you will be revealed.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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