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I'm not even sure where to begin to start thanking people. First of all, many thanks to my friends . . . Jeannine, Brooke, Joan and Bethel . . . and to everyone who encouraged me to write this. You all know who you are. Without your encouragement, phone calls, emails, texts AND talking me off “the ledge,” I would not have even considered writing. My friends . . . I adore all of you.

To Michelle Radomski, deepest appreciation for coming into my life at just the perfect moment and being my greatest cheerleader. My God woman . . . you rock!!!

To my family who have been both trepidatious about my decisions and also extremely supportive when they saw my determination. I love you all so much.

To my children, Courtney and Kit . . . who have always loved me, no matter how crazy I sounded or acted. You are my strength and my reason for doing what I am doing.

To all of the people who have come in AND out of my life . . . for reasons, seasons, or lifetimes, and . . . all of the gifts and lessons I have learned because of your presence in my life, I am so grateful.

To Wendy McWilliams . . . sister . . . you are my mirror. We have laughed . . . we have cried . . . we have bitched . . . and we have manifested. Boy, howdy, have we ever manifested!!! Nothing can stop us now. Nothing!

To whoever kicked me in the ass to follow this dream . . . Spirit, the Universe, God . . . whatever you may call it . . . WOW!!! I'm so thankful that I finally listened to my intuition.

And, to all of you who take the time to read the crazy inner workings of an artist . . . Thank you.

Much love always,


My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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