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Thirty paintings in 30 days — Day 2 May 4 2010


6 paintings down — 24 to go

So, yesterday was Day 1 — and three paintings down. It was the "Dueling Paintbrushes" event at my gallery— with a fellow artist — where we faced off with brushes. The competition is one where we each provided pictures of things we were willing to paint, and the picture is chosen by someone other than us. When the gallery owner and staff pick out a picture for me to paint from . . . Ahhh . . . it’s one I have been reluctant to paint as I have not been sure how to “do it.” So, now I have to “do it” in front of people. Well, there is nothing like trial by fire.

The bell rings — we start. The gallery owner gives my fellow artist a “clue” about my painting — it is Mount Rushmore. She gives me a “clue” about my cohort. It is Fritz Scholder — WHO??? I’m clueless. I have no idea who that is, and so, I have no idea what the heck she is painting. Oh well, I’m there to paint – not second guess anything.

I get finished with Kansas Rushmore in 2 hours. I’m beat — but what to do with the next hour? It is suggested that I paint another painting. It could suck — I think to myself — or, it could be good. Hmm . . .

I can do this . . . I can do this . . . I can do this. This is the first time in my life — other than my almost 25 year marriage that ended just 8 months shy of 25 years — that I have made THIS kind of a commitment to myself. One that really has a lot of meat to it . . .

I come home after being soooo wiped. And I paint (the next morning) three more little paintings! They are kick-ass. I am really liking what I am doing. It is like channeling. It is like the Universe/Spirit/Creator/God is flowing through me. I am only a vehicle. I like this. I love this. Have I said how much I love what I do?



So pushing myself to learn isn’t such a bad thing after all. Pushing myself to be competent in my craft is actually a good thing. Click . . . another key turns . . . and my heart is bursting to come out.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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