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Musings on connecting April 28 2010


One artist’s viewpoint on why patrons connect to artwork.

The other day I received an e-mail from a friend who is an incredible photographer. He had taken a great photo of a coyote and had added a story about what that particular photo-op had meant to him.

Now why would this be so significant, so important, that I feel the need to share it with others. Because his story — the emotions he was going through at the time that the coyote “posed” for a shot — allowed us as participants to connect to the moment, to connect to him and to connect to our emotions. Because he shared his ruminations about his situation at the moment, it permitted us to connect to our humanness and to our divinity by participating in his story and photo.

So many of us have been taught to not be in touch with our emotions — to not be “human” — when in actuality we are divine beings having a human experience. We came here to experience life — so, we should! We are here to obtain joy, to be happy, to connect.

He personalized his venture and shared with all of us the reflective and somber mood he was in, and connected US to HIS actuality. I felt like I was there. This is why all artists do what we do. We do it to aid others to get in touch with who they are — with a past emotion or circumstance — to connect us to the Heart Space.

And so, dear friend, I thank you for reminding me about why I paint, you take pictures, the chef creates, the musician sings, and the writer writes.

We do it for all……because we are all one.

I thank you again for allowing me to connect with you.


This is why it’s important to share your passion with the world. To connect. To lessen the gap between all of us. To heal the world. I didn’t totally “get” the significance of what I was writing when I was writing it. Now I do.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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