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Being conscious May 27 2010


What does that mean to YOU

Official definition: To be aware of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.

So, this morning, I am taking a shower. Thank God — it’s hair day — and with all the power surges I have been having lately, I “should” shower or bathe at LEAST twice a day! It seems that the spirit world or messages from beyond always seem to come to me when I am in the shower. I questioned them about that. They joked with me. “We don’t notice your nakedness.”

“Well, I do . . . !!!”

So far, they haven’t listened. I’m getting used to them being there!!

And, the message came in. What does being Conscious mean to you?

To me it means getting up every morning and purposefully making a commitment to myself and to Source — the God that is within all of us — to “be” the best being that I can be that day. It means living my life with spiritual intent, knowing — not planning, mind you, but understanding — that I will have failings . . . times when I fall “off-the-wagon” so to speak. But those times are meant so that I will go within and see what it is I need to work on . . . and then forgive MYSELF and move on. NO DWELLING ON THEM!

There are some who think that living a “normal” life — living a life of responsibility — precludes being Conscious . . . that you cannot be one with the other. The message I got — in the bathroom again . . . (Thank you spirits. We are going to have to talk about this!) — is that we need to learn how to merge those two separate parts of ourselves. We need to learn to live our lives always with conscious intent; i.e. “being conscious.” To get up every morning and say: “Thy will be done” and “For today I will live the best life that I can, making every effort to be totally and completely conscious.” To go to bed every night and thank the Creator for the opportunity to be here on Earth at this time. To forgive and love ourselves. To drop judgment against ourselves (and stop the self-flagellation — I am the MASTER at that). And to sleep . . . .

I am finished with all 30 paintings.



Yes . . . Painting has obviously been a key to my changes. It has allowed me to think differently . . . to believe in a world that I never knew existed. So. Very. Grateful.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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