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I miss my family May 29 2010


More than I could even share with anyone.

So much, it causes pain. Physical pain

This journey, this path . . . seems to include a stripping away of the old energies, and many of us are being asked to leave that which has always been a part of us. It’s not always easy, and it frequently causes guilt feelings, as well as heartache, but it is a common message that many of us are getting.

For instance, why the hell would anyone leave what I left? I had a comfy, cushy life, with a great husband who was generous and very sweet to me. He would have given me anything that I wanted or needed . . . anything! So why did I need to leave??

I’m going through, right now, a phase of asking, wondering and meditating. The same answer keeps coming — “Because, Little One, you have things to do, and you must learn how to be one with yourself first, before you can teach the concept of All One.” Hmm . . . And, I couldn’t stay where I was because I would not have been authentic and coming from integrity.

So it made me think of when a person commits to a life of serving “the Lord” — becoming a priest or a nun.

This is what I found out about becoming a nun.

1. You go through the novitiate or training period. You’ll spend your time studying, praying and deciding whether you really want to become a nun. You leave your family at this time.

2. You take temporary vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience.

3. You take your final vows. If you made good on your temporary vows, you’re ready for the religious life.

Wow . . . lots of similarities. I spoke with someone this week who also chose to follow a spiritual path — she said she didn’t speak to her family for 5 years. She told me they thought she was crazy . . . completely nuts . . . a fruitcake . . . should be committed.

But what makes the spiritual path so much different from a religious path? I’m asking. Are there really any answers? Both paths serve something not “seen” but felt and known. Because one path is a business and the other really isn’t, does it make one more “right” than the other?

And so, I share with you this . . . on Memorial Day weekend . . . I miss my family. I miss my nieces and nephews. I miss my brothers and sister. I miss my mom. I miss the farm. Thank goodness, Spirit didn’t ask me to give up my children . . .

But, I am at peace. I understand the reasons. I understand the gifts that come.

Michael deserved his freedom — to find someone to love. And he has. She is beautiful and perfect for him. And it is wonderful.



This . . . This book . . . This is one of the reasons why I left the comfy, cushy life that I had. I have finally gotten to the point where I get to see why. My why. To help inspire others. To encourage others. To be me.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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