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Activism and drama: When are they a part of one’s spiritual path? May 5 2010


My name is Paula, and I’m a Drama Queen . . .

. . . not just a minor one. It HAS BEEN a major part of my life. I say has been because I recognize it now as a trick of Ego to pull me out of my center — out of my groundedness . . . off my path. It is one of my biggest lessons this lifetime. That, and one that most of us have — to love and forgive oneself.

For those of you who know me, I have been on quite a journey the past two years — a spiritual finding of myself . . . and this blog is my “coming out.” It is the “putting my money where my mouth is”, “Katie bar the door,” and “OMG, are you really that ’airy fairy’,” confession.

Lately, I seem to be super sensitive to drama and activism. And so I have prayed and meditated a lot around these subjects. Obviously, I have been involved in a lot of drama — it is somewhat of an adrenaline rush — and so is my family. But, what does it serve? When is it appropriate? Drama — never. Activism — when it has something to do with one’s life lessons. Because as you know — Spirituality 101 — that which you call attention to only multiplies. THAT WHICH YOU CALL ATTENTION TO ONLY MULTIPLIES!!!

Do you want more strife and turmoil? Do you want more sleepless nights worrying about something that you cannot control and has nothing to do with you? Do you want more drugs in the world, more cancer, more war, etc., etc., etc.? Then call attention to them; i.e., the war on drugs, the war on cancer, the WAR!

We are not here to save the world. We just have to improve ourselves and the rest will come. That message came twice last night in the period of an hour — while I was ruminating about drama and activism. Big lesson for me . . . I am not here to save the world? Thank God, that weight has been lifted! All I have to do is “BE” me. And in being me, I am affecting the world. Entrainment — that’s what it is called. I affect 5 people; they affect 25. Those 25 affect 125, and so on. It’s about raising the vibration, one person at a time. It’s about being from love. It’s about being authentic and from integrity.

A friend said yesterday, “Don’t fight negativity with negativity — it only fuels it; feeds it; makes it stronger. And, it makes us negative in the process. Instead, battle darkness with light; fear with love; ignorance with truth. Feed the light, as we are meant to do.”

Love will prevail.

And so, as I said, this is my coming out. It is MY truth. It is MY knowing. It is MOO. (My Opinion Only. Thank you, Jeannine.)

Blessings to all,


So obviously, this book has a lot to do not only with art, but also my spiritual path. I think they go hand in hand. One opened the door to the other. One could not exist without the other. Because . . . it’s my path. It’s my journey. And it’s my story. And I share my story because I wish for all of you to experience these things . . . these awakenings. . . these gifts that come from seeking. And now . . . on with the show (or the book!)

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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