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True Christianity — what does THAT mean? May 13 2010


So . . . Spirit has been tapping me on the shoulder for a couple of days about a few topics and — as is usual for me right now — I have been ignoring the messages. Dang . . . well, this morning, it was a shove. This is what came through.

Christianity, Judaism, doing “things” in the name of God — exactly what is it? Is it an excuse to persecute, judge, and control with fear? Is it really a building? Is it really an institution? Or is it within? What exactly did Jesus come here to teach us?

THE Lesson — and really the only one we “need” — is LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF!!! It was pounded into our heads as children. The universal law. The one “commandment” above all others. But, first, we need to love ourselves. Love ourselves. LOVE OURSELVES. As we are . . . today.

Forgive ourselves our shortcomings. Forgiveness of self is the most divine act ever. We don’t come with instruction manuals. We come with intuition — gut-feelings. When we go against these feelings, this is when we do “wrong.” And then later, we beat ourselves up. Chastise ourselves. Tell ourselves how worthless we are.

We are divine beings having a human experience. We are allowed “mistakes.” Look at these as the learning and the growth opportunities that they are.

However, to continue to make these “mistakes” — wow . . . you need to be popped in the head — “I could a had a V-8” sort of pop!

When we learn to love ourselves, judgment will drop . . . completely. And isn’t that why we are all here? To come from love, compassion, honesty, integrity, and to be authentic? To love one another as ourselves. War would end; racism would no longer be an issue; judgment would drop away. We would all just BE.

Listen to the words of John Lennon in the song Imagine.

God . . . is. We . . . are. We are all the God within. We are All One. Believe in, love and forgive Yourself, and you will find judgment towards others drop away.

Let’s all be truly spiritual. Let us all be the God Within.



Oh, Yeah . . . 22 done — only 8 to go!!!

So . . . a common theme here . . . self-love. I’m constantly being reminded that self-love is essential to heal the world. And, that part of loving myself . . . is being authentic to myself. Which means following my passion . . . which . . . of course, is . . . Painting.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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