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The invisible zen garden July 18 2010


I am back . . . from two Sun Dances — which are Native American “rebirthing” ceremonies; from an eye-opening mixed–media class taught by a fantastic artist; and from a frenzy of painting time for several commissions and shows. Yahoo!! I know you all have missed me!! LOL!!!

This morning, I was out in my wildflower garden, with all of the bees humming contently around me, drinking my coffee and pulling weeds, when it occurred to me that our lives are much like a garden.

Like the garden, we have weeds — thoughts that keep us from moving forward. These are thoughts that, left to grow, could and would choke out all of our beauty, our flowers, our gifts. It takes work, every day, to pull out the thoughts that are detrimental to our spiritual selves. It takes commitment to want to be beautiful both inside and out and to make the time to work on ourselves.

Sun dancing was like going out and pulling weeds for a week. It’s intense prayer. After all, what else are you to do while dancing around a tree for four days?

But we, like the garden, need constant maintenance to continue flourishing. It’s not just a one time “Okay I’ve done my prayer time” thing. It’s not “done and completed” all at once. It is a commitment to the journey — a commitment to the garden; a commitment to ourselves; to the beauty that is within — that allows the flowers, the gifts, to blossom. It’s taking time to pull the weeds when we notice them and letting them go — knowing that they don’t belong in OUR garden. It’s realizing that we need to take time to water, fertilize, and maintain ourselves.

And so, my lesson for the day — my desire for my lifetime — is to be a peaceful Zen garden. Never perfect — always a work in progress — knowing that I always have a commitment to the beauty that lies within me and within all creation.

Love to all,


I believe in the power of “time-off.” Time off to regenerate and recharge. Time to get another perspective on everything. Time to explore and learn. Time to pray and vision. I think it is just as essential as actual painting time. It’s essential for growth. It’s essential for all artists. It is essential for everyone.

My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

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