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Navigating the Calendar Window


Calendar is a sort of electronic personal assistant that, while it won't get coffee for you, will at least help you keep your schedule on track. Calendar is a simple electronic day planner you can use to keep track of appointments, meetings, tasks, and other commitments. So, whether you have a date and you can't be late or you have a rendezvous you need to remember, Calendar can handle it.

Assuming you have no pressing appointments (although even if you do, you're still in the right place!), you have a couple of ways to get started:

 Point the nearest web browser to https://calendar.google.com.

 In any G Suite app, click the grid-like Google Apps icon (pointed out in Figure 3-1) and then click Calendar.

FIGURE 3-1: Calendar: your G Suite scheduling assistant.

Sign in to your Google account, if asked. You end up eyeballing the Calendar app, which will look quite a bit like the one shown in Figure 3-1.

As you can see, Calendar is laid out more or less like a day planner or desk calendar (assuming you're old enough to remember those relics of a bygone era). There's quite a lot to look at here, so let's step back and check out the main features of the Calendar screen. (Handily, Figure 3-1 points out the features in the list that follows.)

 Main menu: The sidebar on the left, which consists of the following elements:Date Navigator: Shows one month at a time (usually, the current month). You use the Date Navigator to change the date displayed in the Events area. Note that today's date always has a blue circle around it.Meet with: Enables you to search for people in the Contacts app.My Calendars: Lists the calendars that the app is using to display events. Most people use just a single calendar (the one with your name), but you might want separate calendars for, say, business use and personal use. Your G Suite account also comes with a Birthdays calendar (based on the birthdays you enter in the Contacts app) and a Holidays calendar for your country (Holidays appears in the Other Calendars section).

 Main menu toggle: An icon you click to narrow the main menu to show only icons. This gives you a bit more horizontal space for Calendar. Click the icon again to expand the main menu.

 View navigation: Enables you to change the date or dates shown in the main Calendar window based on the current view (see the View item, below).

 Settings menu: Gives you access to all the Calendar settings.

 View: Displays a list of the different ways you can view dates in the main Calendar window. For example, you can view dates by day, week, month, or year.

 Google apps: Displays icons for all the Google apps.

 Google account: Gives you access to your Google account.

 Current date: Marks today's date on the calendar.

 Current time: A bar that indicates the current time and moves down as the day progresses.

 Events area: An area that shows the appointments and meetings you schedule.

 Side panel: The sidebar on the right, which consists of the following elements:Keep: Opens the Keep pane so you can add a quick note to store in the Keep appTasks: Opens the Tasks pane so you can add a quick task to store in the Tasks app

 Hide side panel: An arrow you click to collapse the side panel and gain a little extra horizontal legroom. Click the arrow again to return to the side panel.

G Suite For Dummies

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