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Beef Stir Fry with Quinoa


This is a popular meal that is usually straight forward and not time consuming. Vegetables and grains make cooking interesting because it adds a new twist to a rather simple dish. Here you add another nutrition that will make your meals leaner with protein.

This recipe allows you to enjoy eating a nutritious gluten-free grain with your favorite meat item, beef. Beef stir-fry w/Quinoa. All vegetables are pre-cut or diced and the beef is pre-cut for stir-fry. Heat frying pan in medium heat, add half cup of sesame oil (for cooking). When sesame oil is warm, add strips of beef and stir as it cooks and starts to brown. Add ½ cup chopped three cloves of garlic (pre-peeled) and ½ cup of chopped onions. Then stir with beef strips. Include one cup of frozen peas and carrots, ½ cup chopped bell peppers, and add one cup of green onions.

Stir together with the beef and add three tablespoons of marinade for added specific flavor (or to taste). Allow stir-fry to cook thoroughly, for about ten-fifteen minutes. Prepare Quinoa: rinse one cup of quinoa in strainer with two cups of cold water until the water runs clear. Cook quinoa in regular saucepan for about twenty minutes or until water is absorbed. Set aside.

In separate plate, spoon in generous amount of quinoa and top it off with beef and vegetable stir fry. This would make about 2-3 serving sizes.

Cooked quinoa has zero cholesterol, eight grams of protein, four grams of total fat, thirty-nine grams of carbohydrates, thirteen grams of sodium, zero sugars, five grams of dietary fiber, and calories total two-hundred twenty-two. This is based on one cup serving size.

Healthy Cooking Recipes: Clean Eating Edition: Quinoa Recipes, Superfoods and Smoothies

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