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2 Is Having a Copywriting Business Right for Me?


Before getting your business cards printed, take a few moments to consider if being a self-employed copywriter is right for you. Of course, one of the advantages of the copywriting business is that you can easily start part time, thereby testing the water before you quit your day job and jump in. But before starting even part time, you may want to take a closer look at what it is like to be a copywriter and determine if the copywriting business is a good fit for you.

Like any self-employment opportunity, working as a freelance copywriter has unique advantages and disadvantages. Take a look at the pros and cons I’ve listed below. On the one hand, if the cons seem too hard to live with and the pros less tantalizing than expected, you might want to reconsider joining the ranks of self-employed copywriters. On the other hand, if you can live with the cons and the pros make you salivate for more, then the world of copywriting might be right up your ally.

Start & Run a Copywriting Business

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